Site Conception

24 Oct 2021 - David Baker

Tags: jekyll code

Welcome to my new site. I previously had a Wordpless blog, but the site wasn’t really worth the $5/month I was paying in hosting. Plus, the management of the site was just a tedious excercise in using the Wordpress Admin Panel that didn’t really teach me anything about programming. When I discovered Jekyll I realized I could create exactly what I wanted: a personal website that doubles as a blog (without a database) and is hosted for free on Github pages.

The purpose of this site is 3 fold:

  1. A programming excercise: I wanted to build my own website and learn Jekyll and some UI tricks along the way.
  2. A portfolio: This site will be added to my resume, so I wanted to show off the site itself and maybe some projects I’ve worked on in my free time.
  3. A blog: My blog isn’t intended to build a following, but more as a personal dumping ground of things I’ve learned, books I’ve read, or maybe just writing excercises.

More to come!